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昆明世青的IB 授权之路
发布时间:2019-03-30     来源:原创


昆明世青自递交申请到正式授权,历时一年零八个月,能从众多IB候选校的名单中脱颖而出,除了拥有优秀的师资队伍,更得益于全体教职员工的密切配合。今天请大家跟随小编的脚步,同IB DP协调员Mr.Gray先生一起回顾一下世青的授权之路吧。

1.LWJ: As an IB coordinator, it must have been a lot of work. What did you have to prepare for authorization?

Mr. Gray:

As DP Coordinator I am teacher/liaison between the IB and KWYA. In order to follow IBDP regulations, I have had several meetings with parents, students, and teachers about what it means to have an IB education. Details of our meetings, teaching plans and even the budget go into the application for authorization which took about a month for me to write after the consultant came. Based on feedback for the application, we adjusted materials to match IBDP outlines. I organized the official IBDP visit and prepared everyone to be interviewed by our visitors. Finally, the teachers edited the documents to be submitted. Now that we are officially an IB school, we will be working to better our standards and learn more as we begin teaching the IBDP.

IB协调员其实是学校与国际文凭组织(IBO)的一条纽带,负责联络(IBO),并在学校组织实施IBO的所有教育教学工作。想要通过IBO严格的筛选,不是一件容易的事情。据Mr. Gray介绍,IB对申请学校派出专门的工作人员,指导申请校按照IB的要求,建立和完善包括学术诚信、评估、语言、安全、招生、差异化教学等等制度;检查DP老师撰写的学科教学大纲是否符合IB理念和教学要求;通过与老师、学生和家长谈话,了解学校社区成员对教育理念的认可度和对该教育项目的渴求度;检查图书馆环境,是否有足够的资料供学生参考,检查实验室、学科教室、试卷存储等是否满足IB的安全要求;查看学校对IB项目的预算,以确保学校能有足够的资金保证正常教学……所有工作都不是一次能完成的,需要按照IB工作人员的反馈,不断提交修改的材料,直至达到要求,学校才能申请最后的授权访问,邀请授权团队到校考察、授权。经过1年零8个月的艰苦努力,到现在,我们终于成为经过国际文凭组织正式授权的大学预科世界校,而我们也就可以开始教授大学预科课程了。

2. I notice that you met with G10&G11 parents about once a month. What was the purpose of these meetings?

The IB wanted information as to how the community, and even the local government, might support an IB education in Yunnan. This means that they want to know how our parents are involved in the community and how they support student learning. Our meetings helped KWYA parents understand how to approach the interview with the verification visit team. I know parents are worried about their children’s future and getting into university can be very stressful. Knowing that the IB will be helpful for their child is important. For the IB, however, what is just as important is the belief that an IB education will give their child the skills they need to interact with other cultures, inspire others to make the world a better place, and engage with people to become more open-minded global citizens. This is KWYA's mission and it is aligned with that of the IB.


3. We have spent over one year getting the authorization, how did you feel when you finally got the news?

I have put many hours into our school's authorization, digesting new information very quickly while also maintaining the integrity of the Humanities program at KWYA. This is a lot of pressure on one person. So, of course when I got the news I was excited. But, I was confident our school would be accredited because we have all worked very hard together as a team to make this happen. It is very satisfying to note that we are the first and only IB World School in all of Kunming and all of Yunnan province. We are very fortunate to say "we are the first and only school" to have this distinction.


4. Do you have any suggestions for students who will join the DP programme?

Students (and parents) who wish to join KWYA will notice that our faculty, staff, and students all work together to achieve our goals. We do not and cannot behave as islands. We are connected together. If we fail, we know that there are so many of our friends and colleagues who can pick us back up so that we can achieve our goals. This is important because the Diploma Program is an intensive two years of studying six subjects, plus TOK, Extended Essay, and CAS. It is very stressful, and students should be aware of that. The upside is that by working together, and by being a small school, every teacher knows every student's strengths and weaknesses, and we use this information to help the student grow. Students must practice their English daily, turn in their assignments that meet a high demand for quality, and produce work that promotes intellectual and social growth. But this is just the practical side of the DP. The philosophical side of the IB requires students who are open-minded, inquiring, and risk-taking so that they have the attributes that make an IB learner. Joining this program will require the right attitude to meet all of these goals, and this is what KWYA wants to see in our community as we progress as an IB school.


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