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多所大学向我校学生抛出橄榄枝 ——KWYA参加全球大学招生说明会收获颇丰
发布时间:2019-03-22     来源:原创






带队老师Mr. Gray在接受我们采访时说:

The purpose of this trip was to give the G11 students the opportunity to speak with representatives from a variety of overseas universities, discover any new opportunities they may be interested in, and review their targets over the next couple of years with regards to grades, expectations, and dream schools. The students also had the opportunity to sit in on DP classes at BWYA so that they will have a better understanding of what to expect when completing their two DP standard level courses next year. It also gave me the opportunity to promote KWYA and encourage universities to visit us as the only accredited IB DP school in all of Yunnan Province.

What did you learn?  Many universities (about 5 or so) are keen to come and visit our school and promote their university to our students. This has already happened with two liberal arts colleges from the United States who visited us the week before we attended the university fair. Now that universities know we have IBDP accreditation, they are more interested in coming to visit us and answer any questions that our students have.I also have a lot of promotional materials from the university representatives and business cards to connect to universities who may want to give us further information or possibly visit KWYA in the future. I would like to see KWYA and other schools in Kunming cooperate with each other to offer our own university fair so that students do not have to travel all the way to Beijing next time. This will be something that KWYA can develop over the next couple of years. This will show the community, parents, and stakeholders that there is no need to hire outside agencies to get their child into university because KWYA and BWYA have all of the resources and expertise needed, and the service is already included in the tuition that parents pay to our school.

Hulk是入读我校最早的学生之一,他说:这次的招生会有90多所大学前来宣讲,他们来自包括英国、日本、美国、澳大利亚、新西兰、瑞士、法国等在内的全球众多国家。我们可以一站式地了解不同国家、不同大学的信息。在招生会上,我关注了一所在日本名古屋的大学——NAGOYA UNIVERSITY,虽然他们学校可挑选的专业不多,但是全英文授课,环境特别好,很吸引我。在会场,还有专门的大学申请讲座,指导学生如何准备大学申请的材料,怎样高效地通过入学面试等。



此外,在Mr. Gray的大力推广下,我校成功与海外多所大学建立了联系,有超过五所大学的招生官表示,他们非常愿意来到KWYA进行访问。在听闻我校已经初步通过IBDP审核后,更是向我校学生抛出橄榄枝。Mr.Gray还建议联合昆明本地的国际学校,共享资源,共同组织云南本地的海外大学招生会。我校非常愿意为搭建海外升学平台做出自己的贡献,从而服务于为出国留学而苦恼的学生及家长,更希望以此推动本地国际教育的发展。

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